
Watch kokuriko-zaka kara
Watch kokuriko-zaka kara

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Loosely based on a 1980 manga of the same name, Kokuriko-zaka kara ostensibly tells the love story between Umi (Masami Nagasawa) and Shun (Junichi Okada). As if to completely bury that hatchet, the protagonist of 2009’s Ponyo’s was said to be inspired by Goro in his younger years, complete with telling references to a busy father unable to meet his son due to always being out at sea. If there is any positive result to be taken from that misfire, it was that it led to an apparent reconciliation, with the elder Miyazaki attending the premiere screening of his son’s work and being one of the few to openly praise it. As the story goes, Goro took the directorial duties of Earthsea against the wishes of his father, leading the two to stop speaking to one another. The subtext of this father-son collaboration cannot be ignored by those who have followed or even been remotely aware of the tense relationship between the two Miyazakis. It was only to be expected that that the son of Miyazaki would be given a second chance, but whether or not the kid could pull through remained to be seen. Earthseawas the sad result of a young hungry filmmaker trying to prove his mettle in the heavyweight class and he could barely land a punch. Apparently, the powers that be at Studio Ghibli also thought as much and so, after a five-year absence, have brought him back into the ring, this time tag-teaming with his old man Hayao Miyazaki for Kokuriko-zaka kara, or From Up on Poppy Hill.Īs with last year’s excellent Arrietty, Hayao relegates himself to planning and co-writing the script with Keiko Niwa, letting his son once again take seat in the director’s chair, to the anxious (dare I say nervous) anticipation of filmgoers nationwide.

Watch kokuriko zaka kara movie#

That didn’t stop the resulting film, 2006’s Tales from Earthsea, from missing the mark, but all we can do is razz the movie and pat the director on the back while saying, “Maybe next time, kid” in our best Brooklyn accent. His legendary parentage aside, no one could envy his position of having been promoted from landscape architect to suddenly directing a movie based on an epic fantasy universe spanning a half-dozen books.

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MF to download take a listen - just close your eyes and embark on a trip through the yesteryears.Goro Miyazaki has to be the unluckiest man in the anime industry. The melody is the epitome of nostalgia because of the way it dances the border between major and minor phrases. The end track 「さよならの夏」”Sayonara no Natsu” (“Summer of Goodbye”) by is my absolute favorite, and is performed by Teshima Aoi. You might recognize 「上を向いて歩こう」 “Ue no Mukou Arukou” (“I Shall Walk Looking Up” by Sakamoto Kyu this song was performed by Kenny Ball under the title “Sukiyaki” when it was released in America. There are a few insert songs to this film, probably because of the very noticeable lilt of the tunes popular during the 1960s. A couple of screencaps from my favorite scenes:Īnother wonderful aspect of the film is the soundtrack. I found myself focusing on the portrayal of the characters and their interactions with one another, and was blown away by the construct of subtle smiles, secretive glances, and quiet exchanges between Umi and Shun. While I most loved the renderings, textures, and brilliance of other Ghibli films, I was captivated by the seemingly simple and clean work in Kokuriko-zaka. The same argument stands for the art and animation. The high school love story needs no additional drama it is pure, but nuanced with a hint of embarassment and uncertainty that only comes from the innocence of youth. The plot is not complicated – some critics say it is too predictable – but I appreciate the simplicity. At school, she falls in love with a classmate, Kazama Shun, and while the two of them develop their feelings for another, they head the student-led effort to save a clubhouse called the “Quartier Latin.” Umi and Shun’s relationship is thrown into doubt as Shun discovers a secret about their families, and just at the same time, the clubhouse falls under threat of demolition. Set in the post-war year of 1963, the narrative revolves around an ordinary schoolgirl named Matsuzaki Umi. Kokuriko is a little different since it has absolutely no trace of mystique or magic instead, it is honest and a period piece. Kokuriko-zaka Kara (From the Poppy Hill) is a wonderful mix of everything I would want from an animated feature released by Studio Ghibli, with its more popular releases being Spirited Away and Howl’s Moving Castle. During the lazy days of summer, I like movies that are slow-paced and sweet, but not saccharine.

Watch kokuriko-zaka kara