
Iso chinese streetballer
Iso chinese streetballer

The database of Chinese national GB standards provides information on which standards have been adopted. (As of 2006, nearly half of all Chinese national GB standards were adoptions of international standards and “advanced foreign standards”.)Ĭhina has also expressed a goal of significantly increasing the number of standards that are adoptions of international or advanced foreign standards. Many Chinese national GB standards are adoptions from ISO, IEC or other international standards developers.


Ĭhinese national GB standards can be identified as mandatory or voluntary by their prefix code, as indicated below: Code They are consistent across all of China and are developed for technical requirements.Īs of 2006, there were a total of 21,410 Chinese national GB standards, among which approximately 15% were mandatory, and 85% voluntary. National Standards are often referred to as “GB standards”. For any given product or service, only one type of Chinese standard will apply. Professional Standards supersede Local Standards, etc. These levels are hierarchical, so that Local Standards supersede Enterprise Standards, There are four levels of Chinese standards. All standards that fall outside of these characteristics are considered voluntary standards. They are enforced by laws and administrative regulations and concern the protection of human health, personal property and safety. Mandatory standards have the force of law as do other technical regulations in China. PRC Standards System: standards Used in ChinaĬhinese standards may be either mandatory or voluntary.

Iso chinese streetballer